The Church’s one foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord,
She is His new creation By water and the Word
From heaven he came and sought her To be his holy bride,
With His own blood he bought her, And for her life he died.
After considerable exploration had been made by the Board of Canadian Missions of the American Lutheran Church in Canada (ALCC), the property at 815 Renfrew was purchased. Following the Ground Breaking services on Monday, October 23, 1961, construction of the church began. Mr. E. Hoffman of New Westminster supervised the construction of the Church sanctuary and foyer.
Pastor L.E. McFarland, formerly of Port Arthur, Ontario was called to serve St. Andrews Lutheran. By the time the Pastor and his family arrived the church was ready for use. The first service was held in the parsonage basement on Sunday the 17th of June 1961. Most of the congregation was made up of members from the disbanded Christ Lutheran Church in Brocklehurst.
The following week two services was held in the new building, one in the morning with 72 attending and the second in the evening at which Rev. McFarlane was commissioned as the duly installed Missionary of St. Andrews Lutheran Church. Along with Pastor E. Krause of Vernon officiating there was 84 in attendance. The electric organ had been installed in time to accompany the Vernon church choir make a more festive celebration.
1961 – 1971 Pastor McFarlane was the mission Pastor of St. Andrew under whose leadership established the roots for St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church.
Our first Communion Service was held on August 12th, 1961 and on September 9th of the same year Sunday School started.
The Cornerstone Dedication service was held September 23rd, 1962. Dr. Karl Holfeld, President of the Canadian District of the American Lutheran Church officiated at this service. He was assisted by the Rev. Curtis Satre, Director of Canadian Missions and by the Rev. L.E. McFarlane. Items placed in the cornerstone were: Hymnal, Bible, List of Charter Members, Copy of the local Sentinel newspaper and the Dedication booklet from the service. The first Annual Meeting was held January 21st, 1963 with 38 people present. The first Church Council consisted of: President – Pastor L. E. McFarlane, Vice President- O. Bepple, Secretary- H. Neuber, Treasurer-B. Anderson, Board of Deacons- Dr. L. Vinge, D. Collins, F. Strotegal, Board of Stewardship- E. Jacobsen, K. Yeske, Dr. P. Fellenz, Board of Trustees-A. Eppler, F. Langenek, J. Hannes and first organists were Mrs. Clare Collins and Miss Sandra Jacobsen.
Capital cost of the property was approximately $63,000.00 was reviewed at the first Annual Meeting and it was noted that the Board of Canadian Missions would contribute a minimum of $16,000.00 subsidy (interest rates stated) to start the work of St. Andrew’s. With a new constitution adopted, and 87 members including children St. Andrew’s Mission church commenced to serve the Lord.
1996; Discussion on establishing a Members Covenant Book instead of a Membership Registration Book was started. It was voted on at a special congregational meeting. The covenant to be placed in signature book and read yearly was as follows:
We, members of the Church of Christ desiring to be blessed together, in The Holy Spirit, with Word and Sacrament, and to be united as a congregation in the common confession, defense, and propagation of our faith in Jesus Christ our Saviour, do hereby affirm our membership in St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church of Kamloops for the year of Our Lord ______.
In 1992 St. Andrew’s was led by the Spirit to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada. After concerns with fundamental issues of abortion, homosexuality and the inerrant word of the Bible. A congregational vote on March 15, 1991 result in confirmation for the congregation to resign from E.L.C.I.C. Following St. Andrew’s was instrumental in the formation of a new national body, which was called Canadian Association of Lutheran Ccongregations. Pastor Vern Roste was the first President and Bill Anhorn was the first treasurer, both members of St. Andrew’s. (1992-1995)
A Special meeting of Oct 21, 2001 confirmed the following:
Vision: To build ourselves, up as a family of followers of Christ who learn and share the Good news of salvation, making disciples of Jesus Christ. Mission: To make disciples of all nations beginning with St. Andrew’s and outward through worship, education, witnessing , servant hood and support. (Great Commission Matt 28:19)
After considerable exploration had been made by the Board of Canadian Missions of the American Lutheran Church in Canada (ALCC), the property at 815 Renfrew was purchased. Following the Ground Breaking services on Monday, October 23, 1961, construction of the church began. Mr. E. Hoffman of New Westminster supervised the construction of the Church sanctuary and foyer.
Pastor L.E. McFarland, formerly of Port Arthur, Ontario was called to serve St. Andrews Lutheran. By the time the Pastor and his family arrived the church was ready for use.
The first service was held in the parsonage basement on Sunday the 17th of June 1961. Most of the congregation was made up of members from the disbanded Christ Lutheran Church in Brocklehurst. The following week two services was held in the new building, one in the morning with 72 attending and the second in the evening at which Rev. McFarlane was commissioned as the duly installed Missionary of St. Andrews Lutheran Church. Along with Pastor E. Krause of Vernon officiating there was 84 in attendance. The electric organ had been installed in time to accompany the Vernon church choir make a more festive celebration.
1961 – 1971: Pastor McFarlane was the mission Pastor of St. Andrew under whose leadership established the roots for St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church.
Our first Communion Service was held on August 12th, 1961 and on September 9th of the same year Sunday School started.
The Cornerstone Dedication service was held September 23rd, 1962. Dr. Karl Holfeld, President of the Canadian District of the American Lutheran Church officiated at this service. He was assisted by the Rev. Curtis Satre, Director of Canadian Missions and by the Rev. L.E. McFarlane. Items placed in the cornerstone were: Hymnal, Bible, List of Charter Members, Copy of the local Sentinel newspaper and the Dedication booklet from the service.
The first Annual Meeting was held January 21st, 1963 with 38 people present. The first Church Council consisted of: President – Pastor L. E. McFarlane, Vice President- O. Bepple, Secretary- H. Neuber, Treasurer-B. Anderson, Board of Deacons- Dr. L. Vinge, D. Collins, F. Strotegal, Board of Stewardship- E. Jacobsen, K. Yeske, Dr. P. Fellenz, Board of Trustees-A. Eppler, F. Langenek, J. Hannes and first organists were Mrs. Clare Collins and Miss Sandra Jacobsen.
Capital cost of the property was approximately $63,000.00 was reviewed at the first Annual Meeting and it was noted that the Board of Canadian Missions would contribute a minimum of $16,000.00 subsidy (interest rates stated) to start the work of St. Andrew’s. With a new constitution adopted, and 87 members including children St. Andrew’s Mission church commenced to serve the Lord.
September 1963: A.L.C.W. (women’s group) was organized with Mrs. Charlotte McFarlane as President. A Luther League was also developed and Mrs. L. Hinke was the first teacher of the morning kindergarten.
February 1964: The decision was made to forego the subsidy from the Board of Canadian Missions.
January 1965: The congregation voted to refinance a $60,000.00 loan and add the present Education Wing. The first plan was to borrow from Lutheran Brotherhood, an amount of $30,000.00 to be paid back at the monthly rate of 223.68 over a period of twenty years. The second source of obtaining funds for refinancing the church came from the membership of St. Andrew’s itself. Nearly $20,000.00 was raised in loan Certificates, as an evidence of their appreciation in receiving this money for reuse the Board of Canadian Missions lent St. Andrew’s $7,000.00 more for the erection of a new wing on the church. The construction of this new Education wing was begun in 1965, most of the work being done by volunteer labour.
May 15, 1966: The new Education Wing was dedicated to use of our Lord. It was also in1966 that the congregation elected its first lay president, Mr. R. E. Klemets.
1967: The Evangelical Lutheran Church was established. The Church Library was started by the Evangelical Lutheran Church Women’s group at St. Andrew’s.
1968: The cupboards were added in the education wing.
1970: The special Resident Counseling Program was conducted by Mr. Perry Olson. Major upgrades were made to the P.A. system. The Ladies E.L.C. group hosted the Pacific Conference.
May 15, 1971: Pastor McFarlane was called to serve Deo Lutheran Church in Salmon Arm. This Congregation was a mission church he had organized in 1968 out of Kamloops. Farewell service were held for him and his family.
1971 - 1978: Rev. M. G. Kornfeld accepted the call to St. Andrews. He was installed by Rev. M. Rude of Vernon, B.C. August 1, 1971 He shepherd and encourage membership, involvement in leadership. The Legal Board of Trusties was organized. Their duty was to determine the financial status of the congregation. A bare bones budget was struck for the remaining 4 months of the year. It was in this budget that it was determined that the congregation would begin a Debt Retirement Program by paying $500.00 per month on the loan.
The Sunday School was placed on its own resources acquiring its first operating funds from a registration fee.
September 1971: The St. Andrews kindergarten was placed under a Board of Governors who determined to run the kindergarten on a sound financial basis. The sum of $125.00 dollars per month was established which helped stabilized the finances, especially during the summer months.
1972: The Alter Guild was formed with Mrs. R. Levin as President.
The congregation decided to go ahead with the Bethel Bible Series.
The ladies group from the church offer to fund the program.
After a considerable long-range study was done, one lot on Renfrew was sold for $6,000.00
1973: The Lutheran Brotherhood Mortgage was paid off in full with the sale of the church parsonage. The Stewardship Program called David was a success. A new Yamaha organ was purchased Canadian Missions forgave a subsidy of $6,888.00
1974: The Chancel (Sanctuary) was renovated to include a choir loft and a new carpet.
The Education Wing was made available to Mother Goose Day Care Association. Sunday school rooms were built in the basement of the Education Wing at a cost of $2,400.00.
1975: St. Andrew’s status was changed from mission to congregational, as all mission obligations had been completed.
A Caring Community Course was introduced in September resulting in “Area Bible Studies” with in members’ homes.
The Congregational phase of the Bethel Bible Series began in Nov. and a second teachers training class was also started.
1978 – 1988: Pastor Irwin Dexel became the shepherd of St. Andrew’s. He encouraged the congregation to recognize the Holy Spirit and its importance in our spiritual walk.
1980’s: St. Andrew’s grew in numbers and in service to the Lord. Sunday school was active with Vacation Bible schools during the summers. Ladies(five) bible study groups were started. Men and Council Retreats were established. Financial and physical support was given to Missions in Mexico and Cameroon.
1982: Celebrating twenty years Anniversary, “The way we are”.
Celebration Windows – stain glass windows - were designed and the construction was over seen by Pastor Dexel. The windows were completed by Alf Kiesman and other volunteers. Five windows represent The five major teachings of the Lutheran Church. The sixth window represents the Word of God in scriptures. The foyer windows are self-explanatory - Praise & Worship.
1986: The Canadian section of the Lutheran Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church joined together to form the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
1990 – 1994: Pastor Vern Roste who helped guide us thru the leap into forming a new church body also gave space for healing.
1992: St. Andrew’s was led by the Spirit to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada. After concerns with fundamental issues of abortion, homosexuality and the inerrant word of the Bible. A congregational voted on March 15, 1991 result in confirmation for the congregation to resign from E.L.C.I.C.
St. Andrew’s was instrumental in the formation of a new national body, which was called Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations. Pastor Vern Roste was the first President and Bill Anhorn was the first treasurer, both members of St. Andrew’s. (1992-1995)
1993: Starting of men’s retreat at Camp Luther in Mission
1994: Theme for the year “We will Serve the Lord”, A banner was made for display in the Church.
Pine Grove Lodge approached St. Andrew’s to do one service a month being the third Sunday. This ministry continues to this day. (2018)
Due to the increase of community use of the building, a user agreement was developed by the legal board. User groups being Kamloops School District Children’s Choir, AA, a Sororities group and Neighbor link program.
Phil Brose(Lawyer) and Pastor Roste prepared the documents for Incorporation of Canadian Association of Lutheran Churches for the spring legislature in Ottawa. They attended and the Federal Charter was obtained.
Chain link fencing and a security system was added to property.
Kamloops Christian School occupied the Old North Kamloops Elementary School behind the church property. There was a huge old tree on property line, process started in communication to have tree dealt with.
1995 – 2007: Pastor Terry Sauder encouraged a strong fellowship and unity within the congregation by focusing our faith in Christ. He lead CALC as president in its infancy (1995- 1999).
1995: Kamloops Christian School was granted permission to use St. Andrew’s Sanctuary for their Wednesday morning Chapel time.
An easement agreement was made with Cottonwood Seniors Complex for a 2 meter Future walkway on west side of church property.
St. Andrew’s continued the support of Guerro, Mexico orphanage which blossomed with a gift of a much need roof replacement. St. Andrew’s continued to send packages and labour to support this orphanage.
July of 1995: Erin Nast agreed to work with the youth starting in Sept 1995 to May 1996, she faithful drove in from Merritt weekly.
New front doors designed and installed.
1995: Worship Team requested removal of one pew in front to give room for members to stand.
1996 : New Worship schedule started with 8:30 Contemporary (Praise and Worship) Service and 10:00 Traditional Service.
Song Select program for computer was purchased for music ministry use.
1996: Discussion on establishing a Members Covenant Book instead of a Membership Registration Book was started. It was voted on at a special congregational meeting.
The covenant to be placed in book and read yearly was as follows:
We, members of the Church of Christ desiring to be blessed together, in The Holy Spirit, with Word and Sacrament, and to be united as a congregation in the common confession, defence, and propagation of our faith in Jesus Christ our Saviour, do hereby affirm our membership in StAndrew’s Lutheran Church of Kamloops for the year of Our Lord ______.
Summer of 1996, Glenda Roberts and Corrie Muir painted the stairwell to basement walls with a Noah’s Ark theme.
Various music groups hosted this year were Living Faith Bible College, Morning Star, Rawling Brothers, and Covenant Players.
1997: New Furnace was installed.
1998: Security System placed within the church building.
Family camp proposed and ran this summer
Carpet in the Sanctuary was changed
A Bible Study program for youth (Alpha) and the study called Prayer of Discipline for adults.
1999: Returned to one worship service at 10:15. Sunday School and morning bible study was held at 9:00 a.m.
Youth Worker Eden Maher was hired.
2000: Change of long standing church secretary Janet Muir to Sushma Plested occurred
Family camp occurred at Mile High Resort as alternative to Sunnybrae
College and Careers group started to gather on Saturday evenings for Bible Study with Tim Hebuener.
2001: Year taken to review our Mission Statement and Constitution. Who are we? What are we doing? How are we doing it?
Witnessing and Support will lead to growth Growth is a by-product of a Healthy Church It is not a goal, it is a result.
The Binky Fulgrem Library was established in the 1900’s which provided a valuable resource to the congregation and was well supported with many donations. Excess donation were forward to other organizations.
Review of Usher and greeters duties was completed.
Bill Hybel’s workshop was attended by some council members in May 2001
Family camp at Mt Paul campsite again with many attending.
St. Andrew’s supported the viewing of” Left Behind” movie with funds and attendance.
Visitation program of shut ins was enhanced.
Special meeting of Oct 21, 2001 confirmed the following:
Vision: To build ourselves, up as a family of followers of Christ who learn and share the Good news of salvation, making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Mission: To make disciples of all nations beginning with St. Andrew’s and outward through worship, education, witnessing , servanthood and support. (Great Commission Matt 28:19)
Name tags encouraged for members to recognize each other and meet new members.
Eden Maher is now called Parish Worker with new job description. It was also her last year with us.
Children’s risers were made by John Torda to enhance Sunday school performance.
2002: Congregational events continue at St. Andrew’s. Youth participated in 30 hour famine, great success. Yearly Sunday School windup was a hamburger lunch and games. Family camp continues with good participation.
Congregation celebrated a Seder Communion meal service, which was very well attended.
Vision, Mission and Focus committee: Established to follow up Our Vision.
Adult Bible Study “Battle Field of the Mind”.
Carpet and lino updated required for Anniversary in the fall.
Sala Book project for Mexico was completed under Dave Muir direction and dedication.
Picture board to be established on back of Library divider early in 2003. Thanks to Janet Westphal and Dennis Collins.
2003: Council takes focus on church Membership.
September started with a new Sunday Worship schedule. Being: 9:15 Prayer time, 9:30 Bible Study, 10:30 service with Sunday School at 11:00, Fellowship and coffee at 11:45 A Children sermon is in place for every Sunday, before they leave for Sunday School. (Eight church families involved in SS)
Balance in service developed between Praise and Worship songs and Hymnal use.
Dave Muir congregational member was elected president of CALC (2002 – 2006)
2004: St. Andrew’s went back to two communion services pr month.
Brochure designed for visitors to be receive on first visit.
Community in Prayer Ministry, a program from the community was supported by council.
“Purpose Driven Life”, bible study started.
2005: The Edge mission church without walls and St Andrews did a joint project called the Alpha Course. They also used the education wing as a location for their weekly service on Saturday nights.
“Praying with the Scripture”, study developed by Roger Plested was started.
Facilities use guidelines were established. Council agreed to 3 point criteria to be a user. (agreeing to and adhere with St. Andrew’s Mission Statement, are non-profit groups, and agree to abide to St. Andrew’s guidelines of use).
A Special congregational meeting was held to allow a Proposal by the City of Kamloops. The City was asking for the exchange of some of our property on east side, for a road easement. The City increase property line behind the church, paved the new parking lot on west side of church. $5000 landscaping allowance as well as lighting and fencing were also included. Motion amended and carried.
Community Prayer Project was started in conjunction with Neighbour Link. An open phone number for anyone within the city could call for prayer.
2006: Recognition Sunday for those members of 35 years of membership.
Dennis and Clare Collins (1963), Betty Collier (1963), Len Balmer (1963), Joe and Lilly Koch (1963), Ruby Dramstad (1963), Nellie Smith (1963), John Torda(1963), Herb and Irene Messmer(1964), Helen Moen(1965), John Goodwein(1966), Bill and Phyllis Anhorn(1968), Bud Fuglum(1968), Edward and Myrtle Sadar(1968), Janet Muir(1970 Paul and Isabelle Kiesman(1970).
Alicia, the young girl from Mexico Orphanage we have supported for many years graduated this year and is now working. We did not take on another child as a congregation.
Roger Plested congregational member elected president of CALC (2006 – 2009)
2007: Aberdeen Landscaping was hired to design and complete front landscaping, with addition of Rose Garden that is Roger Plested responsibility.
2008 – 2009: Pastor Steven Herbert, encouraged not only our faith, but helped us take our first steps into using technology with in studies and worship. Men’s breakfast started again.
2008: Ruth Moen becomes new church secretary.
New furniture for Pastor Office
2009: Community in Prayer still active in St Andrew’s
Sunday Morning Bible study reactivated.
Membership Recovery Plan was taken under consideration and carried out.
St. Andrew’s marriage registration with Provincial Government updated.
Sunday School numbers extremely small, with sporadic attendance. So sadly no Christmas pageant this year.
2010 – 2017: Pastor David Schumacher continued to place our trust not only Jesus but the Holy Word of God and the great importance of prayer.
2011: Congregation shifted from Samaritans Purse Shoe boxes to Canadian Lutheran World Relief We Care Bags.
Breakforth conference in Edmonton was attended by some congregational members with Pastor Schumacher and his wife Cathy.
A 3 month- 13 session “Truth” DVD study that reintroduced the claims that God shares in His Word.
St. Andrew’s congregation decided to support Journeys Lutheran church financially and prayer for this year.
Music Ministry Team growing under leadership of Cathy Schumacher as the Dorrie Chambers retired.
2012: Fiftieth Anniversary. Great reunion, with many past member coming home.
Music in the Park program was spear headed by Alf & Millie Kiesman, with support from Music Ministry Team.
New lap top purchased for the Easy Worship program.
Renewal of Birthday cards being made for and sent to members of congregation.
New Windows placed in church office, kitchen and education wing. The original stain glass windows remain.
2013: Renfrew street upgrade by the city of Kamloops will give the City an easement in trade for paving and marking of east parking lot with drainage and landscaping.
2014: Upgrades: Re-tared roof on entrance section of church, new floor in kitchen, new computer for office.
Family camp event will be trying a new approach with a one day event in the city parks.
Kitchen and Education wing roof replaced.
Evacuation Plan has been present to congregation and is posted in case of fire.
2015: Small area set up for nursery needs in education wing for Sunday mornings.
Library shelving to be organized and some new shelving placed on south wall, therefore large library shelf will be removed.
Tony Niedersteiner will be establishing church web page and face book page.
Sound baffles placed in sanctuary and new mic and sound system in place
New Roof on sanctuary
Sanctuary redesigned to make more space for music ministry team, and relocation of organ. New carpet installed at same time.
During lent soup fellowship was encouraged on Sundays.
2016: Entrance was semi closed in to help prevent vandalism.
Copyright © 2018 St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Kamloops