John records in 2:11 that this event is the first miracle that reveals the deity of Jesus. The fact that He reveals Himself here shows the importance of the wedding and is a picture of salvation.
“And the angel said unto me, 'Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.' and he said to me, 'These are the true words of God.'” (Rev.19:9). Ephesians 5 also compares the relationship between husband and wife to the relationship between Christ and His Church. It is not surprising that Jesus chose this time to reveal Himself. Jesus was invited to this wedding, along with His disciples, this would indicate that He was a pleasant person to have around and would not spoil the festivities. A wedding would also be a large event involving a large portion of a community and possibly last a few days.
2:2-5 records that the wine had run out. We are not told what day of the celebration that this took place but only that the wine had run out. This would have been a cultural disaster and embarrassment for the family. They either did not purchase enough wine or could not afford more. Jesus' mother may have had a part in the preparations for the wedding and informed Jesus of the shortage.
It is important to note that Jesus does not call her mother but “woman.” Though this term would seem disrespectful to us, in this setting it was a term of respect.
Mary, in some religious circles, is called the mother of God. This is a complete disregard for the truth of Scripture. Scripture tell us that God has no beginning and no end, Isaiah 43:13, “From eternity to eternity, I Am God.” In Psalm 90, Moses wrote, “...from eternity to eternity, you are God.” There is no reference in Scripture that Jesus' mother had any special authority, privilege or different relationship to Jesus than any other believer.
Matthew 12:46-50; “While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, 'Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.' He replied to him, 'Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?' Pointing to his disciples, he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.'”
Even though Mary was a godly woman, greatly blessed, giving Mary the status of Mother of God is idolatry. She was in no way divine, she was not sinless, to be revered or worshipped, or venerated. This is similar to the Queen of Heaven recorded in Jeremiah 7:8; 44:17-25, who was the Babylonian and Assyrian goddess, Ishtar (or Ashtoreth and Astarte), wife of the false god, Baal (Molech who was appeased by sacrificing babies thrown live into an open mouthed flame).
Scripture is plain in not giving Mary status above any other believer, neither should we or anyone else. If Mary was asking Jesus to intervene with this need, it was not on the basis of a mother-son relationship. It is also interesting to note that she does not interfere, give suggestions on how it should be done but simply trusts and tells the workers to do what he says. This is also something we learn from the wedding, when we petition God, how often does advice on how it should be carried out follow our petition?
John 2:6-10 Records the water being turned to wine and presenting it to the master of the banquet. The stone water jars, used for ceremonial washing of guests would be untainted, made of stone that would not hold the flavour of anything stored in it. The jars, holding 120-180 gallons in total, were filled to the brim so that nothing else could be added.
The passage does not describe at what point the water became wine, Jesus simply said to draw the water and present it to the master. It is interesting to note, that the servants' only part in this miracle was obeying Jesus' instruction, but does demonstrate faith and courage (imagine the master's anger if he was brought water to taste).
Many who claim to be faith healers today act as if they had performed the miracle themselves and make a big show of it, without first allowing the healing to be confirmed. In this case, the water turned to wine was confirmed by the person designated to make sure all was done properly.
When Jesus healed, he instructed it to be confirmed as recorded in Luke 17:11-19 when the 10 lepers were to show themselves to the priest to confirm their healing. The miracle of turning the water into wine was not showy, Jesus fulfilled a need, only the servants and disciples were aware of the miracle.
On occasion, Jesus told the person who was healed, to tell no one, but to confirm it by showing himself to the priest (Mk 1:43-44).
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, to give His life as a ransom for many, to call sinners to repentance, give His blood to cleanse and redeem us. When Jesus heals, it is not meant to be showy, to give credit to the one God uses as an obedient vessel.
On one occasion, when Paul was involved in a healing, he had to stop the crowds from honouring and worshipping him (Acts 14:8-15).
The banquet master was not informed of the miracle, only the disciples and servants knew (and Jesus). The best was saved to last, why wouldn't the wine made by Jesus not be the best?
The Godhead alone is to be worshipped, revered and praised. Jesus alone was sinless and divine. He alone is able to take these old broken vessels and make them new. Jesus now invites us to take part in His wedding feast.
The ones who reject the invitation (Matt. 22:1-14) will be found unworthy (22:8). Hell is not populated by those whom God has rejected, but by those who have rejected Him. The hymn writer wrote, “My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name.” “...Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb...” Rev.19:9
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